External Link

An external link, also known as an outbound link, is a hyperlink that takes you to a webpage on a different website. It’s essentially a doorway leading you outside the current website you’re on. In contrast, an internal link connects you to different pages within the same website.

Here’s a breakdown of external links:

  • Navigation tool: They act as a navigation tool, allowing you to explore various sources of information across the web. By clicking on an external link, you seamlessly jump from one website to another.
  • Increased credibility: When a website includes external links to reputable sources, it enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of its own content. It demonstrates that the author has done their research and is providing users with a well-rounded perspective.
  • SEO benefits: From a search engine optimization (SEO) standpoint, external links can have a positive impact on a website’s ranking. If high-quality websites link to your content, search engines consider it a sign of authority and value, potentially boosting your search ranking.

Here are some examples of external links:

  • You might be reading an article about climate change, and the author includes an external link to a scientific report on the topic.
  • An e-commerce website might include external links to product review websites.
  • A news article might mention a relevant event and include an external link to the event’s official website.

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