Stop Wasting Time: Fix Technical SEO Issues & See Real SEO Results

Is your website failing to attract organic traffic despite your best content creation efforts? You might be facing a hidden culprit: technical SEO issues.

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Your website is NOT Ranking on Google?

You sems to do everything right for your website’s Search Engine Optimization. Yet you’re not ranking on Google page 1?

Important Technical SEO Fact

53% of mobile websites have critical SEO

You have done your keyword research, content, link building and everything else. But no matter how hard you try, your website is not ranking?

No worries! Let us help you with our Technical SEO! We’ll check your website inside-out and find the culprit that affect your ranking. Interested?

technical seo issues

What Is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is the foundation upon which all other SEO efforts build. It delves into the behind-the-scenes optimization of your website, ensuring search engines can effortlessly find, understand, and present your content to the world.

Think of search engine bots like curious explorers. Technical SEO equips your website with clear pathways, a well-lit layout, and informative signage. Crawlability ensures the bots can easily navigate your site, while indexability makes sure your pages are eligible to be ranked in search results. Website speed becomes crucial, as explorers (and users!) get impatient if they have to wait too long. Mobile-friendliness is like offering a map specifically designed for explorers on the go, ensuring a smooth experience on any device.

By addressing these technical aspects, you’re essentially welcoming search engines and users to explore your website with ease. This translates to improved search rankings, a better user experience, and ultimately, the potential to attract more organic traffic and achieve your online goals.

Key Aspects Of Technical SEO

Technical SEO goes beyond website aesthetics. It’s about building a clear roadmap for search engines and ensuring a seamless user experience. Let’s explore the key aspects that make your website a welcoming destination for both explorers and bots.

Crawlability & Indexability

Technical SEO ensures search engine bots can effortlessly find and understand your website. Crawlability focuses on making your website’s structure clear and easy to navigate for these bots. Indexability goes a step further, ensuring your valuable content is eligible to be included in search engine results.

Website Speed

Imagine a search engine bot (or a real visitor!) encountering a slow-loading website. They’re likely to get discouraged and move on. Technical SEO helps your website load quickly and efficiently on all devices. This not only keeps visitors engaged but also pleases search engines, as they favor websites that deliver a seamless user experience.


With the majority of web searches now happening on mobile devices, a mobile-friendly website is no longer an option, it’s a necessity. Technical SEO ensures your website adapts and displays beautifully on any screen size, from desktops to smartphones. This caters to the ever-growing mobile audience and ensures a smooth browsing experience for users on the move.

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Our Technical SEO Approach

Technical SEO Audit: We analyze your website’s technical health, pinpointing crawl errors, indexing issues, and performance bottlenecks.
Website Speed Optimization: We utilize techniques to ensure your website loads quickly on all devices.
Mobile Responsiveness Optimization: We ensure your website delivers an exceptional user experience on mobile devices.
Structured Data Implementation: We implement structured data markup to enhance the way your website appears in search results.
Ongoing Monitoring & Maintenance: We continuously monitor your website’s technical health and address any emerging issues.
seo case study

SEO Results: 125 Keywords On Google Page 1

iMEC Malaysia (, is a leading commercial cleaning product supplier in Malaysia. The SEO Campaign is geared towards increasing organic website traffic and brand awareness.

3700% Increase In Organic Traffic

iMEC became the authority site for B2B cleaning supplies industry.

We Answer Your SEO Questions

Confused by Search Engine Optimization? Don’t worry! Our FAQ section answers common questions about ranking higher and getting found online.

See Who We’ve Helped Rank Higher

SEO Case Study Malaysia

Book A Free 30-Minute SEO Consultation & Report!

We’ll analyze your site, identify optimization opportunities, and deliver a personalized report to jumpstart your organic traffic. Limited slots available, claim yours today!

+6017 289 9060
W505, West Wing, Metropolitan Square, No. 2, Jalan PJU 8/1, Bandar Damansara Perdana, Petaling Jaya, 47820, Selangor