Rank Your Shopify Store On Google With Shopify SEO

Increase your Google Ranking and get more sales to your Shopify store with our Shopify SEO service. We perform Topical Authority Search Engine Optimization to help you dominate your industry.

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Shopify SEO Malaysia

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Your Shopify store is NOT Ranking on Google?

You put a lot of effort into your Shopify store. But somehow your eCommerce store is not ranking on Google for the search terms you are targeting?

Important Stats For Shopify Websites

Organic web listings get 73% of clicks

Bad news! Your competitors website is showing on Google Page 1, getting tons of clicks and sales from organic traffic, and they are using Shopify as well ??!!

Good news! Let us help you with our fully managed Shopify SEO Service! We’ll craft a custom SEO strategy, optimize your Shopify store, and build your online authority – all to drive organic traffic and boost your bottom line. Interested?

Shopify SEO Challenges

Shopify offers a great deal of customization, but some technical SEO aspects are pre-defined. You have less control over elements like server configuration and site structure compared to self-hosted platforms. This can make it trickier to fine-tune technical SEO factors that significantly impact search engine ranking.

Similarly, Shopify’s core structure for product pages and category listings is pre-defined. While you can modify content within these structures, you have less flexibility in creating a completely custom website architecture that might be ideal for optimal SEO.

The challenge lies in finding a balance. Shopify’s pre-defined elements ensure a baseline level of SEO functionality, but achieving top search rankings may require additional effort to work within the limitations of the platform.

Shopify stores can create duplicate content unintentionally, hurting SEO. Product variations with different URLs for size or color confuse search engines, making it unclear which version is the “main” product. Similarly, pagination for large product listings creates duplicate content across multiple pages.

This duplicate content can lead to lower search engine rankings and wasted crawl budget, where search engines spend time on redundant pages instead of valuable unique content.

To address this, you can utilize canonical tags to explicitly tell search engines which URL is the main version of a product page. Additionally, Shopify apps can help automate tasks like adding these tags or redirecting paginated pages to the main listing. By tackling duplicate content, you ensure a clear and SEO-friendly structure for your Shopify store.

Many Shopify stores fall victim to the “thin content” trap. This happens when product descriptions rely solely on basic information provided by manufacturers. While convenient, this thin content lacks the depth and keyword optimization needed to rank well in search results.

Imagine a sea of generic descriptions for similar products across different stores. Search engines struggle to differentiate and favor content that offers more value to users.

Good content writing lies in creating unique, informative product descriptions. These descriptions should target relevant keywords that potential customers might use to search for your products.

Shopify offers a limited set of editable meta tags for your products and collections. While you can edit title tags and descriptions, you might not be able to add specific meta tags for robots or control indexing preferences. This can restrict your ability to fine-tune how search engines crawl and index your store content.

Exploring alternative solutions through apps or working with a developer might be necessary to overcome these limitations and achieve a more SEO-friendly meta tag structure for your Shopify store.

Shopify SEO Solution

No idea how to kick start your Shopify SEO Campaign? We’re your secret weapon! Our fully managed SEO service gets your store ranking higher, attracting more customers, and boosting sales. Focus on what you do best – we’ll handle the SEO magic.

Sales Skyrocket

A well-optimized Shopify store is a sales magnet. SEO attracts the right audience, those actively looking for what you offer. This targeted traffic leads to a significant increase in conversions, boosting your sales and revenue without needing to spend more on marketing.

Customers Find You Easier

Forget struggling to be seen online. With expert SEO, your Shopify store climbs search engine rankings, putting you in front of more potential customers actively searching for products like yours. This translates to a steady stream of qualified leads ready to buy.

Brand Authority Soars

Dominating search results positions your Shopify store as a trusted leader in your niche. This enhanced brand authority fosters customer confidence and loyalty, encouraging repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations, further propelling your brand’s success.

See Who We’ve Helped Rank Higher

SEO Case Study Malaysia

We Answer Your SEO Questions

Confused by Search Engine Optimization? Don’t worry! Our FAQ section answers common questions about ranking higher and getting found online.

We Are A Different Breed Of Shopify SEO Company Because We Provide Content Creation & Technical SEO (Programming Fix) With The Aim Of Achieving Topical Authority.

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Book A Free 30-Minute SEO Consultation & Report!

We’ll analyze your site, identify optimization opportunities, and deliver a personalized report to jumpstart your organic traffic. Limited slots available, claim yours today!

+6017 289 9060
W505, West Wing, Metropolitan Square, No. 2, Jalan PJU 8/1, Bandar Damansara Perdana, Petaling Jaya, 47820, Selangor