Helpful Content

Helpful content is content that prioritizes the needs of human users and provides a satisfying experience. It’s a concept that Google uses to rank content in search results. Here’s what makes content helpful according to Google:

  • Created for a specific audience: The content should be tailored to the interests and needs of a particular group of people.
  • Demonstrates expertise: The author should have knowledge and experience on the topic they’re writing about.
  • Trustworthy and credible: The information should be accurate and reliable, with citations for sources where appropriate.
  • Fulfills a user’s need: The content should answer the user’s question or address their problem in a comprehensive way.
  • Original and informative: The content should provide unique insights or value that isn’t just a rehash of existing information.

In short, helpful content is informative, trustworthy, and caters to the user’s intent. Google wants to surface content that users find genuinely valuable, not just content optimized for search engines.

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