Keyword Research with Google Keyword Planner


Keyword research is the cornerstone of any successful SEO strategy. It’s like having a map that guides you towards the search terms users are actively looking for. But navigating the vast landscape of keywords can be daunting. Fear not, content creators! Google Keyword Planner (GKP) is a free tool that empowers you to discover valuable keywords and plan your content strategy accordingly.

Unleashing the Power of GKP:

GKP resides within your Google Ads account. While it’s primarily designed for pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, its functionalities are gold for organic SEO as well. Here’s how to unlock its potential:

1. Accessing GKP:

Head over to and log in to your Google Ads account. Click on “Tools” in the top menu, then navigate to “Planning” and select “Keyword Planner.”

2. Choosing Your Weapon:

GKP offers two main ways to discover keywords:

  • Discover new keywords: Enter a seed keyword or phrase related to your niche or website content. GKP will generate a plethora of related keywords, along with average monthly search volume estimates and competition levels. This is a fantastic way to brainstorm new content ideas and identify potential search terms your target audience might be using.
  • Get search volume and forecasts: Here, you can enter a list of existing keywords you’re already considering. GKP will provide valuable insights like search volume data and competition metrics, helping you gauge the potential of each keyword.

3. Decoding the Data:

GKP presents you with a treasure trove of information. Here’s a breakdown of key metrics:

  • Average monthly searches: This indicates the estimated number of times a particular keyword is searched for each month. It helps you understand the potential traffic a keyword can drive to your website.
  • Competition: GKP displays competition levels as “Low,” “Medium,” or “High.” This gives you a sense of how difficult it might be to rank for a particular keyword organically.
  • Top of page bid (low range): This metric (relevant for PPC but informative for SEO) gives a rough idea of the estimated cost per click for advertising on that keyword. While not directly applicable to SEO, it can indicate the potential commercial value of a keyword.

4. Refining Your Search:

GKP allows you to filter your keyword results based on various criteria, such as:

  • Average monthly searches: Focus on keywords with a healthy search volume but not excessively high competition.
  • Competition: Target keywords with manageable competition levels to optimize your chances of ranking organically.
  • Location: Tailor your keyword research to your target audience’s location.

5. Building Your Keyword Arsenal:

As you discover relevant keywords, add them to your keyword plan within GKP. This allows you to easily organize your findings and prioritize target keywords for your content strategy.

Bonus Tip: Don’t just rely on search volume alone. Consider factors like user intent behind the search term and how well a keyword aligns with your content goals.


By mastering Google Keyword Planner, you can transform your keyword research game. It empowers you to discover high-potential keywords, understand competition levels, and ultimately craft a content strategy that attracts organic traffic and positions your website for success. So, grab your metaphorical map (GKP), and start charting your course to SEO dominance!

Need help with keyword research? Contact SEO agency KL now!