Setting Up Yoast SEO for Your WordPress Website


Yoast SEO is a must-have plugin for any WordPress website owner serious about search engine optimization (SEO). It equips you with powerful tools to optimize your content and improve your website’s visibility in search results. But with all its features, getting started might seem overwhelming. Fear not, content creators! This guide will walk you through the essential steps of setting up Yoast SEO for your WordPress website.

1. Installation and Activation:

The journey begins by installing Yoast SEO. Head over to the WordPress plugin directory and search for “Yoast SEO.” There are both free and premium versions available. The free version offers a robust set of features for basic SEO optimization, which is perfect for most beginners. Once you’ve found the plugin, click “Install Now” and then activate it.

2. Basic Configuration Wizard:

Yoast SEO thoughtfully includes a step-by-step wizard to guide you through the initial configuration. This wizard will help you set up essential settings like:

  • Website Title: This concise and informative title (ideally under 60 characters) appears in search results and browser tabs. Make it branded and reflect your website’s content.
  • Tagline: A brief description of your website (around 150 characters) that provides users with a quick understanding of what you offer.
  • Social Media Sharing Defaults: Set your preferred social media sharing settings for Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms, ensuring your content is ready to be shared seamlessly.
  • Search Engine Visibility: You can choose to temporarily no-index specific posts or pages to prevent them from showing up in search results. This is useful for drafts or under-construction pages.

3. Optimizing Individual Posts and Pages:

Now comes the exciting part: optimizing your content! Yoast SEO integrates seamlessly within the WordPress editor. When creating a new post or editing an existing one, you’ll find a dedicated Yoast SEO section right below the content editor. Here’s how to leverage its features:

  • Focus Keyword: This is the golden keyword or phrase you want your post or page to rank for in search results. Enter your target keyword here to guide Yoast SEO in analyzing and optimizing your content.
  • SEO Title: Craft a compelling and informative title (around 60 characters) optimized for your focus keyword. This title will appear in search results and social media previews, so make it enticing for users to click.
  • Meta Description: Write a concise summary (around 160 characters) of your content, including the focus keyword. This description should entice users to click on your search result snippet.
  • Readability Analysis: Yoast SEO analyzes your text for readability and suggests improvements for clarity and user experience. This includes factors like sentence length, Flesch Reading Ease Score, and transition word usage. Aim for a green bullet point for optimal readability.
  • Snippet Preview: Yoast provides a live preview of how your title and meta description will appear in search results. This helps you refine them for optimal display.

4. XML Sitemaps and Internal Linking:

Yoast SEO automatically generates and updates an XML sitemap listing all your website’s content. This sitemap helps search engines discover and index your pages efficiently. Additionally, Yoast SEO analyzes your content and suggests relevant internal links you can add to enhance user experience and SEO. Strong internal linking structure helps distribute “link juice” (SEO value) across your website.

5. Social Media Optimization (Bonus Tip):

Yoast SEO allows you to set specific social media titles and descriptions for each post/page. These are displayed when your content is shared on social media platforms. By customizing these social media previews, you can optimize how your content appears on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, potentially attracting more clicks and engagement.


While Yoast SEO is a powerful tool, content quality remains crucial for SEO success. Focus on creating informative, engaging, and valuable content for your target audience. Yoast SEO helps you technically optimize that content for search engines, but great content is the foundation.

Bonus Tip: Regularly update your Yoast SEO plugin to ensure you have the latest features and bug fixes. Explore Yoast SEO’s learning resources and documentation to delve deeper into its functionalities.

By following these steps and leveraging Yoast SEO’s features, you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your WordPress website content and achieving better search engine visibility. Now go forth and conquer the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages)!

Need help with your WordPress SEO? Contact SEO agency Malaysia now!